"*" indicates required fields Mandatory Quarterly FDL ReportPlease fill all required the required fields. You can save and continue filling the form later. Don’t forget to submit the form when completed.Company Name* Report covering the period from* Month Day Year to* Month Day Year Date of company incorporation in the Republic of Vanuatu* Month Day Year Company registration number:*Number of investors:*Amount of funds invested:*TradesNumber of opened positions (in lots):*Number of closed positions (in lots):*Volume of TradesVolume of products traded (in lots):*Please Download this spreadsheet to fill and re-upload here. Max. file size: 50 MB.JurisdictionEnter the volume in percentage for each jurisdiction the product was offered. Percentage of volume traded in Africa*Percentage of volume traded in Asia*Percentage of volume traded in Europe*Percentage of volume traded in North America*Percentage of volume traded in Oceania*Percentage of volume traded in South America*TotalPlease make sure the total of all volume is equal to 100%Vetting ProcessList the integration procedure for each customer. Please, add a line for each procedure. Details of vetting process of investors and criteria used:* Add RemoveTo add a line, click on the + at the end of the lineRefusals and Reasons for RefusalsList any refusals and your reasons for refusal.Did you refused to open an account this quarter?* Yes No Number of refusals:*Reasons of refusal:*Registered AgentDo you need to update the information about your registered agent and their office details?* Yes No Updated information on registered agent and office details:*Shareholders and beneficial ownersDo you need to update the information about your shareholders and beneficial owners?* Yes No Updated information on shareholders and beneficial owners:*Report on any complaints received from investorsNumber of chats requested:*Number of customers rated your service:*Number of negative ratings:*Reasons of negative ratings:* Add RemoveList the negative reasons. Please, add a line for each different reason.Thank you for completing your quarterly reportName First Last Position Date MM slash DD slash YYYY SignatureCAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Our founding membersNewsletter Stay updated on our latest news. Email